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05 Oct 2014 » 2spoopy - Pokemon Edition

It's that time of year again! Ghosts and ghouls, and free Pokemon!

Aren't I cute? Nintendo has a new promotion for Pokemon X/Y just for the month of October. In particular, the deal is for an exclusive Super Size Pumpkaboo! The details and official web page can be found here. In case you can't be bothered to open that link, I'll details the steps below.

How To Get Your Free Pumpkaboo

  1. Make sure that you have wireless internet set up and that your 3DS is connected to a working network
  2. Boot up Pokemon X/Y and from the main menu select "Mystery Gift"
  3. In this following menu, select "Receive Gift", then "Yes"
  4. Select "Get Via Internet"
  5. Behold! You now have your Pumpkaboo! Now you have to boot up the game like normal
  6. Go to any Pokemon Center and talk to the delivery girl to receive your Pumpkaboo
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